Thursday, March 4, 2010


    I don't know about you, but I'm done with the two party system. 

    A long-standing tradition-... well, it really is only that.

    I know Hamilton and Jefferson duked it out a long time ago, and they coughed up the national bank and allowance of liberal interpretation of the constitution, which ironically undermines the document completely. Frankly I don't give a damn. The preamble begins with We the People, not we the people in power.

    It's my humble opinion, and you're welcome to yours. I just don't want another yankee-doodle candidate for congress or the presidency. Clinton was a tool, Bush was a moron, and Barack is a disappointment. An overhaul of Washington is late-due, as we need candidates who will faithfully represent their constituents and not one's easily swayed into lawlessness. 

    It's vaguely stated. I know this.

    Just maybe, we should listen to those crazy independent and libertarian parties. Those who have tried over time to penetrate the overwhelming influence of the red and blue, and have been silenced by network news. It's really easy now a days with the internet and what not. Can we at least give it a try?

    Both parties are wrong.

    Both parties a lying to us.

    Both parties are corrupt.
    Don't underestimate the power of your pen and your voice. The freedom to peacefully assemble is a fundamental American right invested in you and me. Don't educate me in the science of politics, as such does not exist. There is only greed and more greed. 

    Don't hide the truth... even if it is inconvenient.

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