Saturday, February 27, 2010

Every kiss begins with Kay?: Race to the big seat.

      Hutchinson must be head over heels with lobbyists lately. This is one of those conservative senators  who sits on a high horse on social issues, yet votes with the greed on every opportunity. Her most disturbing input was in 2005 when she voted NO on repealing tax subsidy for companies who move U.S. jobs offshore. If only we'd known, then,  that shipping jobs overseas wasn't such a good idea.

I she a cheerleader of outsourcing? It would seem so.

     See, when a similar bill, which aimed to remove special funding for minority or women-owned businesses, was placed in front of her she voted YES. Those are interesting double-standards, if you ask me. She must have missed the week on GDP in Economics.
     Calling this Senator two-faced would be understated. While she campaigns on grounds of social integrity, her record speaks differently.Voting YES on allowing some lobbyist gifts to congress in 06 wasn't her only infraction against her Texas constituents, as she has consistently voted with Wall Street and Washington on tax, energy, and health-care issues. She also just voted for a Congressional pay raise just last year. 

View her entire record on the issues HERE

     A woman of the people is not what a sufficiently informed voter would consider Kay. As governor, this greed-ridden and self-righteous senator is a most definite hazard to the state. 

     Voting on high-lighted conservative issues is only one part of the story, and Mrs. Hutchinson hangs her hat on such issues; to the disdain of the governed.

     As for her campaign, she sounds like an older clone of Sarah Palin. Promising transparency in the governor's office with no specific details but a substantial amount of attacks on Perry. Mudslinging is commendable under the right conditions, but she is as much a fan of cronyism as he is.

      But enough of me. What do you think?

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