Sunday, February 28, 2010

Slick Rick: Race to the Big Seat.

    Perry may be looking to ''up'' his resume really soon. The Texas Governor will, God-willing, be exiting the big house in Austin in the near future. The man's office door is flooded with lobbyists and international banking representatives. His Trans-Texas-Corridor initiative is one of the most actively corrupted government operations. In essence, he has sold OUR highways for a cut of profit. When asked about his commitment to such fraud he responded, "Our options are fairly limited, due to Washington’s ineffectiveness from the standpoint of being able to deliver dollars, or for the Legislature to raise the gas tax.'' It seems the private investors are higher in his book than his own senators.

Thanks for having our back, man.

As for the rest of his body of work, there is little to be excited about. The economy in Texas is NOT healthy. This is a farce derived from the lack of economic growth throughout the entire country. Texas ''relatively,'' is doing better than California, for say, but it's nothing to throw a parade about.

So, besides the trail of crap that follows this goon around, why shouldn't we re-elect him?

Besides the fact that he caters to big business and has buried the middle class, Rick Perry is a criminal.

Really? A criminal?

His attendance at the latest Bilderberg Power-Orgy is in direct violation of the Constitution. Exactly where do you get off, Perry? Do you think we're powerless sheeple who can't decide things for ourselves? Equally, do you think people aren't convinced you're a fraud? This is punishable with up to three years in prison; that's right, prison. Don't be surprised to see this guy at your local corporate jailhouse.

I doubt this is in his immediate agenda, though. Rather, he'll probably kick and squeal in some boardroom about the fact that his name was disclosed.

Well, heads-up, you're not going to get re-elected. In fact, a little bird told me there is a petition for a civil suit of you and your administration for violating the Logan Act by visiting your fellow swine of money grubbers at the Bilderberger's.

But, he's a great conservative leader with a strong moral foundation!
     - That's what a perry supporter would most likely reply. As for the issues mentioned above, they have no defense. The man is a slick politician who possesses a quick wit and an even quicker tongue. 

NEVER take for granted that someone in office could be lying to you. Doing so is by all means insanity.  

In conclusion, (because I'm annoying myself) no amount of laundered Wall Street money is gonna save you this time, Rick.

Good luck with your new career choice.

For more dirt on this dirt-bag, simply Google his name with any other tag like ''corruption'' for example. You will be appalled. 

But, enough of me. What do you think?

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