Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ron Pow! fo prez

The cat you see in the picture is Texas Representative Ron Paul; god-willing, our 45th president.

He is not a
Jedi master, nor is he a superhero. He is simply, an honest and disciplined politician, if that term exists at all. If his face does not seem too familiar, well you've been under a rock, as the man has been a presidential candidate not once, but twice.

Known for his far right libertarianism and gritty instinct in congress, Paul is a nightmare for lobbyists and supporters of financial institutions. His book End the Fed (2009) is a must read for anyone with lingering doubt of our fraudulent banking regime. He seems to be the only soul in congress who's not afraid to question the validity of Bernanke's circus act.

Aside from his views of the bank, the man will do wonders for our economy, if elected. Imagine, if you can, eliminating the burden of an income tax. Ron Paul believes (as do millions of Americans) that it is absurd to defend the existence of such heavy taxation, as it is not expressly a power of the federal government. That's right: the income tax is a direct violation of your freedom according to the constitution, which in juxtaposition is the supreme law of the land.

What would Americans do if we didn't have this faulty tax?
Get out of debt?
Save money?
Pay for school?
Pay for Health Care?

The possibilities are limitless, and like our forefathers, we would truly experience an American freedom long-forgotten.

This is a man you should vote for.

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