Monday, March 1, 2010

Senator pulls a Britney

     Dude, WTF? Senator Bunning, (shown here) R-Kentucky, shot the middle finger at reporters this morning when they approached him with questions about the health-care nightmare at hand. Ummm, are you out of your mind, Senator? We understand you strongly oppose the overhaul of health-care Obama's proposing and are consequently irritated at the situation, but you can't seriously believe you were entitled to such obscenity. You sure make the state of Kentucky proud for choosing your dumb ass for congress. 

    Next time you have  beef with a reporter, why don't you grow a pair and answer the questions truthfully like you were elected to do. Anyone with crap for brains can stoop to that level, Mr. Budding, but as an elected representative you are bound by oath to uphold the constitution and the common good. In lame man's terms, play nice, senator.

    I'm not gonna go too deeply into this bit, mainly because this right-wing moron doesn't deserve the publicity.   

    Anyway, what do you think?

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