Saturday, March 6, 2010

Who wants TEA?

G. W. Bush should be in this too. lol.
    If I were in office now, I'd be having a cow. The Tea Party movement is only gonna become more and more influential. It's all thanks to the net, public revival, and President Obama. Dude you eff'd up.

   They've got a powerful voice in the media, and for once he's not a complete moron. Glenn Beck is actually telling news on TV! How can that be?

    The guy's pretty admirable for his coherent stories, but man you gotta stop flying with those right wing nutjobs. You can't possibly think Mrs. Palin is a qualified candidate for president. Just because O'Reilly the slimy is a brown-noser doesn't mean you have to be one too.

    In any case, the party is gaining in support increasingly fast, to the dismay of Senators nationwide. But is there a clear front-runner to hold fort for the party? There is.

    Rep. Ron Paul is the guy.

    What can we expect from this new revolutionary movement?


    No more unwarranted taxes and unchecked spending. No more Corporate reach-arounds in Washington either.

    Now, don't fall in love with some of these figures, as power corrupts all. Some supporters of the party are A-holes in office themselves. Example: Rick Perry

    But, get excited. The eternally retarded two-party system may be coming to an end really soon. Thank God, America. We have woken up from the drunken blackout that was the past 90 years. Yay.

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