Monday, March 1, 2010

The ever so ''just'' Justice System

     This story is quite remarkable, on oh-so-many levels.

     On Jan. 14th of this year, an Arkansas man pleaded guilty to plotting to kill several African-Americans, including then presidential-candidate Barack Obama. This animal's name is Paul Schlesselman, and he struck a deal with the devil, I suppose. 

     Why the devil comment? Well, it appears our Justice System has gotten away with yet another crime against America. Federal prosecutors in Tennessee made a deal with this rotten soul, they have sentenced him to a mere 10 years in prison. 

     It's nice when the system works well for the private interests and not for the people.

     We have the worst Justice System ever, I think. The amount of bullshit policy and rhetoric is astounding. Lawyers should be fighting the government for us, not putting us in jail, and assholes like Schlesselman should be tried and SENTENCED by A JURY of his peers.

     What do you think?

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