Sunday, March 7, 2010

Money, money, money, money... MONEY

    The freedom of our nation is endangered by its sinking currency. The idea that the value of yours and mine life is placed on this faulty system of spending, lending, and borrowing is pretty pathetic, I must say.

    First, we must understand what the dollar is really worth. It's not backed by gold, and it's not printed by our government. So then, what is it worth, in reality? - more or less, it's worth about the same as a napkin.

    Now say it together with me: what the fuck?

    Ha, I cursed.

    Okay, so what holy force lets me purchase stuff and get paid in this napkin-like monies? The answer is a promise. Ever heard the phrase, never trust a politician? Well, these same lying snakes have made a promise to uphold our dollar and consequently our economy.

     Now, unless you're retarded, you know they have done the opposite of this ridiculous promise. They've made their millions and left us with the worst recession since forever ago. Thanks, guys.

    The banking system is flawed at its core. We must untangle the vines and cut the roots.

    Down with the fed.

Where is America headed?

    Washington must be terribly delusional. Are they really considering that our economy has recovered? No, people; AIG has recovered. The unemployment rate is soaring, and the dollar is gonna fall like a brick soon if we do not fix the deficit issue.

    Where are we going? We can no longer sit on the sideline and wonder whether Uncle Sam is gonna save us all, because, heads up, he's not.

    The war in Iraq?

    For what???

    That costs the U.S. more than 10 billion dollars a year to finance. WE DON'T HAVE THAT MUCH MONEY!

    We were swayed into that decision by crooks, and now we must reverse it. They're adults; they can handle it, and it wouldn't hurt to show another culture some respect for once.

    All we ask Washington is that you maybe stop spending like 15 year old girls and maybe, just maybe, you could return all of that gold you confiscated in the 30's. Close that Federal Reserve abomination, and return the gold standard to OUR AMERICAN DOLLAR.
