Friday, February 26, 2010

The Bilderberg Group

David Rockefeller, a consistent member of the Bilderberg steering committee and unabashed globalist, wrote in his memoir: “Some even believe we are a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it.”
-Kurt Nimmo, Infowars 

 A powerful adversary...
     Before you begin to delve into the details of this article, sit back and open your thoughts to this mind-numbing idea. There are people of power and people of publicly elected office who are waging a war against you and me as we speak. It's not an excerpt from Brave New World, nor is it science fiction. It is a terrible, but irreversible truth.

     If you haven't heard of the Bilderberg group, you are not at fault. Going beyond all international and domestic law, this organization has made absolutely certain that their secrecy remains intact. Stumbling upon endless conclusions is inevitable. They are the absolute ELITE of the planet.

     Brief Description of the Bilderberg Club:
Hotel de Bilderberg, Oosterbeek, the Netherlands - scene of the first Bilderberg Conference in 1954.
     The group was founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands, who interestingly enough is a former associate of the Nazi 3rd Reich. The Club meets annually, by invitation only, and it is comprised of an average of 130 guests from the political, financial, royal, military, and media elite from every part of the world. Attendees names are never disclosed, nor is any information or record of the meetings. Concealed by their supreme influence and power, the conferences are under complete and utter secrecy. 

Interacting behind closed doors, dirty politicians and the richest men in alive are striking deals that affect not them, but YOU and ME. Events that happen worldwide are conceived inside their gates. People, WAKE UP! This is not only punishable with conspiracy, but they are committing treason against the citizens of the world. NO one, no matter how much money or influence they may posses, is above moral law. 

For a complete list of know attendees click HERE 

Criminal activity!

Mind you, Americans who engage or attend this kind of international super conference are in direct violation of the constitution. Article. II, Section 2 of the constitution, states the President “shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.” You see, the Logan Act expands on this by stating that ANY citizen of the United States “who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
So, in conclusion, the members of the Wall Street gangs and the government officials who cater to their disgusting beliefs are CRIMINALS.

This includes, but is not exclusive to: (these are Americans who have received and accepted invitations to one or more meetings)
  1. Former President- Bill Clinton
  2. Former President- Gerald Ford
  3. Secretary of State- Hillary Rodham Clinton
  4. Former Secretary of State- Collin Powell
  5. Former Secretary of State- Condoleezza Rice
  6. Treasury Secretary- Tim Geithner
  7. President of the Federal Reserve Bank- Ben Bernanke
  8. CEO, Ripplewood Holdings- Timothy C. Collins
  9. Partner, O'Melveny & Myers- Thomas E. Donilon
  10. CEO, Ford Motor Company- William C. Ford, Jr.
  11. CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research- Martin S. Feldstein
  12. CEO, The Washington Post Company- Donald E. Graham
  13. President, Council on Foreign Relations, Richard N. Haass
  14. Vice Chairman, Perseus- Richard C. Holbrooke
  15. President, GSI, LLC, Retired Army General- John M. Keane
  16. Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.- Henry A. Kissinger
  17. Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & CO.- Henry R. Kravis
  18. American Enterprise Institute- Micheal A. Ledeen 
  19. President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace- Jessica T. Mathews 
  20. Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP- Mark C. Medish
  21. Chairman, Republican National Committee- Kenneth B. Mehlman
  22. CEO, Perseus, LLC- Frank H. Pearl
  23. Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc.- Norman Pearlstine
  24. Member, JP Morgan International Council- David Rockefeller
  25. President, The Rockefeller Foundation- Judith Rodin
  26. Director, Washington Institute for Near East Policy- Dennis B. Ross
  27. Senior Correspondent, International Herald Tribune- John Vinocur
  28. Governor of Virginia- Mark R. Warner
  29. President designate, The World Bank- Paul Wolfowitz
  30. Editor, Newsweek International- Fareed Zakaria
  31. President, The World Bank- James D. Wolfensohn
  32. Former President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York- William J. McDonough
  33. Former Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank- Paul Volcker
  34. Governor of TEXAS- Rick Perry
    These names have been disclosed for a reason; to pull back their dark veil of secrecy and warmongering. They will kick and scream before we bring them to justice, and their fight will be a violent and powerful one. But we HAVE A VOICE! We do NOT need all of these snakes making decisions for us. What has happened to our sovereignty and democracy?

    They have lied to us, stolen our money, stolen our property, and stolen our liberty! At what point will the greed of these men plateau? The executives of Wall Street control EVERYTHING from your interest rate, to the value of OUR currency, to the value of YOUR LIFE!

    Whether you are young or old, black or white or brown, whether you are catholic or christian or atheist, whether you are a man or a woman, whether you are gay or straight, we have a common enemy; ALL of us. The list above you, they are your enemy. They are the enemy of freedom and the middle class. They are the enemy of consent, of democracy, and of social justice. They have had their way, and they have buried us in debt and in poverty.

     We must wipe them from our political atmosphere and make them give back to us all they have stolen. (They can start by returning OUR gold to OUR currency.)

     We must vote for men and women who are not afraid to tell them ENOUGH! We cannot afford more of this travesty, and we will not. 

ENOUGH with bureaucracy.
ENOUGH with corporate exploiting and maximized profits.
ENOUGH with secrecy.
ENOUGH with lobbyists. 
ENOUGH with fraud.
ENOUGH with the Fed.

ENOUGH with these white collar monsters.

But enough of me. 
What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bilderberg is not gonna go away easily

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