Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Understanding terrorism propaganda

In the wake of the latest plane attack on a U.S. building, we hear the same crap propaganda.

According to Press Secretary Gibbs and his cronies, this "plane crash" was a cowardly criminal act. President Obama had to have an advisor strictly define that the incident did not involve terrorism. Has the cat got your own tongue, Mr. President? The guy flew a plane into a building, man.

Some guy... flew a PLANE... into a federal BUILDING. PLANE into BUILDING... Does this ring a bell or is that just my smoke alarm?

When you fly an aircraft or drive a car into a building, you are inflicting TERROR on those inside or in the area. In essence, this is an act of terror. When somebody, even our police or military, opens fire on civilians, it is an act of terror.
On the same note, when government officials use propaganda to instill fear onto their constituents, it is an act of terror.

Anyhow, I tried to find records of planes being flown deliberately into American buildings. Here are the results:

  1. 9/11
  2. Austin, Tx - Feb. 2010
Long list huh?

Ok, you may be thinking by now: well, what's your point? Why are you so angry, friend? I have several, and here they are:

#1. Everything you think you know about terrorism is a LIE!
If you have half a brain, you won't find it hard to grasp the idea that your government could actually lie to you. This is an ancient rule of thumb for governing figures; "what they don't know." They are literally professionals at this.

#2. It's just a word.
Are you scared? I bet not, because they're just words like impeachment and congress.

The Nazi's used similar propaganda. It's elementary politics, as they say.

Former president Bush, Dick "Halliburton" Cheney, and their homies made it a case to mention terror as much as humanly possible. I mean, it sounded like a circus sometimes. Terror this, terror that, weapons of mass destruction here and there. We heard it all from these goons.

#3. 9/11 was most possibly a hoax. *Read*

If you think it's taboo to question what Bush and Rice say on TV, I'm sorry, you're an idiot.

Ok, facts: Ms. Condoleezza Rice, hours after the attacks (mind you, this woman was Bush's NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR) said this to the press-
"We had NO idea that somebody would use a plane to fly into a building"

That's very interesting, Condee. Considering that NORAD, our country's air defense system, had training operations, years before, in which they had 'mock-highjacked-planes' on route to fly into federal buildings.

These same training runs were being executed on the day OF 9/11. In fact when Collin Powell first heard there was a highjacking, his response was, "is this real-world or exercise?"

So lets recap:
We knew somebody could use a plane to attack us.
We knew they could target our federal buildings.
Our officials in Washington claimed they never saw anything like this coming.
3000 people die in NYC.

Not cool.
Lets talk about the Twin Towers.
Who owned these puppies? Larry Silverstein of Silverstein Properties.
Poor guy. He must have been devastated.

Well, he wasn't.

In FACT, he leased the World Trade Center two WEEKS before 9/11. Talk about dumb luck, right?

He actually already owned some of the complex. By signing this new lease, he insured the buildings for a record billion dollar policy. Just days after the attacks, he had the gnads to ask for $7.1 billion dollars on the basis that the attack was two separate occurrences. Hmmm I wonder where that money comes from.....

#4. What the eff guys?

Why oh why?

Ok, lets think like adults here. Why would our government lie to us? Why would they do such a terrible thing?

It's quite simple.


To fund a war, especially a ten billion dollar a year one like ours, our government must borrow money. Who on Earth has that kind of money?

The banks do.

The Federal Reserve being the most prominent lender. So we borrow all this money to fight 'ghost' terrorists overseas and we pay it back with interest. They use our money for this. It's practically stealing, people. You and me pay interest to these banks. Without even knowing it; quite sad.

But enough of me. What do YOU think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fuck the government

fuck the police

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