Sunday, March 7, 2010

Money, money, money, money... MONEY

    The freedom of our nation is endangered by its sinking currency. The idea that the value of yours and mine life is placed on this faulty system of spending, lending, and borrowing is pretty pathetic, I must say.

    First, we must understand what the dollar is really worth. It's not backed by gold, and it's not printed by our government. So then, what is it worth, in reality? - more or less, it's worth about the same as a napkin.

    Now say it together with me: what the fuck?

    Ha, I cursed.

    Okay, so what holy force lets me purchase stuff and get paid in this napkin-like monies? The answer is a promise. Ever heard the phrase, never trust a politician? Well, these same lying snakes have made a promise to uphold our dollar and consequently our economy.

     Now, unless you're retarded, you know they have done the opposite of this ridiculous promise. They've made their millions and left us with the worst recession since forever ago. Thanks, guys.

    The banking system is flawed at its core. We must untangle the vines and cut the roots.

    Down with the fed.

Where is America headed?

    Washington must be terribly delusional. Are they really considering that our economy has recovered? No, people; AIG has recovered. The unemployment rate is soaring, and the dollar is gonna fall like a brick soon if we do not fix the deficit issue.

    Where are we going? We can no longer sit on the sideline and wonder whether Uncle Sam is gonna save us all, because, heads up, he's not.

    The war in Iraq?

    For what???

    That costs the U.S. more than 10 billion dollars a year to finance. WE DON'T HAVE THAT MUCH MONEY!

    We were swayed into that decision by crooks, and now we must reverse it. They're adults; they can handle it, and it wouldn't hurt to show another culture some respect for once.

    All we ask Washington is that you maybe stop spending like 15 year old girls and maybe, just maybe, you could return all of that gold you confiscated in the 30's. Close that Federal Reserve abomination, and return the gold standard to OUR AMERICAN DOLLAR.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Who wants TEA?

G. W. Bush should be in this too. lol.
    If I were in office now, I'd be having a cow. The Tea Party movement is only gonna become more and more influential. It's all thanks to the net, public revival, and President Obama. Dude you eff'd up.

   They've got a powerful voice in the media, and for once he's not a complete moron. Glenn Beck is actually telling news on TV! How can that be?

    The guy's pretty admirable for his coherent stories, but man you gotta stop flying with those right wing nutjobs. You can't possibly think Mrs. Palin is a qualified candidate for president. Just because O'Reilly the slimy is a brown-noser doesn't mean you have to be one too.

    In any case, the party is gaining in support increasingly fast, to the dismay of Senators nationwide. But is there a clear front-runner to hold fort for the party? There is.

    Rep. Ron Paul is the guy.

    What can we expect from this new revolutionary movement?


    No more unwarranted taxes and unchecked spending. No more Corporate reach-arounds in Washington either.

    Now, don't fall in love with some of these figures, as power corrupts all. Some supporters of the party are A-holes in office themselves. Example: Rick Perry

    But, get excited. The eternally retarded two-party system may be coming to an end really soon. Thank God, America. We have woken up from the drunken blackout that was the past 90 years. Yay.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


    I don't know about you, but I'm done with the two party system. 

    A long-standing tradition-... well, it really is only that.

    I know Hamilton and Jefferson duked it out a long time ago, and they coughed up the national bank and allowance of liberal interpretation of the constitution, which ironically undermines the document completely. Frankly I don't give a damn. The preamble begins with We the People, not we the people in power.

    It's my humble opinion, and you're welcome to yours. I just don't want another yankee-doodle candidate for congress or the presidency. Clinton was a tool, Bush was a moron, and Barack is a disappointment. An overhaul of Washington is late-due, as we need candidates who will faithfully represent their constituents and not one's easily swayed into lawlessness. 

    It's vaguely stated. I know this.

    Just maybe, we should listen to those crazy independent and libertarian parties. Those who have tried over time to penetrate the overwhelming influence of the red and blue, and have been silenced by network news. It's really easy now a days with the internet and what not. Can we at least give it a try?

    Both parties are wrong.

    Both parties a lying to us.

    Both parties are corrupt.
    Don't underestimate the power of your pen and your voice. The freedom to peacefully assemble is a fundamental American right invested in you and me. Don't educate me in the science of politics, as such does not exist. There is only greed and more greed. 

    Don't hide the truth... even if it is inconvenient.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Where's my money, man? Hyperinflation nation

     And the hour will pass, when all
that was set in stone by our fathers
will become dust and memory
of a distant dream, leaving the world
to prosper in natural competition and debate 
- me

Monday, March 1, 2010

The war on drugs

In anticipation of this years St. Patrick's day, I will post my greenest and dankest blog to date. 

Yes, I am writing about Mary Juana  :)

     The war against drugs is completely unconstitutional.

     I'm not going to argue with anybody's personal beliefs or feelings on the issue because they are simply subjective and out of the subject.

     The constitution of the United States clearly states our rights as citizens. 

     To completely understand this issue you must dig deep inside and realize that most things around you are drugs. Sugar, caffeine, and aspirin are all drugs. They affect your ability to exist and coerce new sensations. Let's not forget that DRUG companies are some of the most profitable corporations in America.

     Wait, hold on. There are DRUG companies in the States?

     Yes there are Billy Bob. In fact most of the health-care debate you hear about concerns the amount of corruption and greed entwined into our pharmaceutical system.

     I bet you've seen the hundreds of commercials selling anti-depressants, sleep aides, or birth control pills. Listening closely to the ending of their ads is kind of disturbing.
  -"side effects include nausea, vomiting, thoughts of suicide, birth defects, increased heart rate, etc.''

     So, it's okay to take this drug even though it may put suicidal thoughts in my head, but it is strictly prohibited to ingest marijuana.

     Haha do you see what I mean now?! 

     Hell, alcohol is a deadlier and more addicting drug than weed. Those who still demonize the plant are as ignorant as the pricks in office who demand such reprimand. 

     But, we're likely years away from legalization so until then, smoke it up, and throw your middle finger at the DEA. They don't work for you. They work to control and destroy your god-given right to smoke whatever the fack you want.

    Ugh, son.

    Alright, what do ya'll think?


The ever so ''just'' Justice System

     This story is quite remarkable, on oh-so-many levels.

     On Jan. 14th of this year, an Arkansas man pleaded guilty to plotting to kill several African-Americans, including then presidential-candidate Barack Obama. This animal's name is Paul Schlesselman, and he struck a deal with the devil, I suppose. 

     Why the devil comment? Well, it appears our Justice System has gotten away with yet another crime against America. Federal prosecutors in Tennessee made a deal with this rotten soul, they have sentenced him to a mere 10 years in prison. 

     It's nice when the system works well for the private interests and not for the people.

     We have the worst Justice System ever, I think. The amount of bullshit policy and rhetoric is astounding. Lawyers should be fighting the government for us, not putting us in jail, and assholes like Schlesselman should be tried and SENTENCED by A JURY of his peers.

     What do you think?

Senator pulls a Britney

     Dude, WTF? Senator Bunning, (shown here) R-Kentucky, shot the middle finger at reporters this morning when they approached him with questions about the health-care nightmare at hand. Ummm, are you out of your mind, Senator? We understand you strongly oppose the overhaul of health-care Obama's proposing and are consequently irritated at the situation, but you can't seriously believe you were entitled to such obscenity. You sure make the state of Kentucky proud for choosing your dumb ass for congress. 

    Next time you have  beef with a reporter, why don't you grow a pair and answer the questions truthfully like you were elected to do. Anyone with crap for brains can stoop to that level, Mr. Budding, but as an elected representative you are bound by oath to uphold the constitution and the common good. In lame man's terms, play nice, senator.

    I'm not gonna go too deeply into this bit, mainly because this right-wing moron doesn't deserve the publicity.   

    Anyway, what do you think?